
Saturday, June 11, 2011 annoyance or a help???

I pride myself on being spontaneous, off the wall, creative and a little wingy…..

Imagine my consternation then, when I noticed that as I have gotten older, I have become someone who has routine in her life. Gaaaah!!!

As much as I purport to dislike routine, I'm finding that, at my age, routine is helpful. I think at times it helps my memory and lowers my stress level…..and then again I find that I purposely go out of my way to avoid the routine just out of spite!! 

My daughter laughed uproariously when I said that I sometimes got annoyed at all her dad's routines. She said that I had just as many as he…..and annoyingly…..she's right.  I do blame DH for some of this "routine" issue though…he is very much a routine person and it's a joyous occasion when I can succeed in my attempts to get him to do something that wasn't planned. He does surprise me at times, however, when he will take the initiative and suggest we do something that I haven't even been thinking about, but upon consideration turns out to be quite pleasant.

There are definitely times when routine is a good thing…..taking medications……exercising (not one of my better routines!!), bedtime, wake-up time, afternoon naps, lunch, book reading, grocery shopping, Sunday dinners, …..oh my goodness!!!
My entire life is one big routine. Aaaack!!!

I have so much routine in my life I have no time left for spontaneity or creativity….or …. just being me!!!  I gotta be me!!!


Well…ahem…'s back to the drawing board for me……creative musical wingnut here I come!!!!


*Upon further consideration, I have realized that my routine is self-imposed..........but I still  need to do some may be self-imposed but I'm not entirely sure it's my nature.

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