
Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The other driver now says that she was simply stopping at the accident site as a witness and that she had nothing to do with the fact that I wound up on the cement barrier. ICBC says that since I didn't touch her car, it is only my word against hers but they seem to be giving her words all the weight.

She gave me her license plate number, her Driver's license number, her name, her phone number. What witness would do all that? None that I know of. A name and phone number would be all a witness would ever think of giving out.

At the scene, this lady was really nice. We even gave each other a hug. She took responsibility. She apologized and told me that she hadn't seen me. I believed she was the person she was portraying herself to be. I should have helped her be true to herself by getting her to admit her guilt to someone else while she was still in truth mode and no one else had gotten to her. Now she'll have to live with having changed her tune.

I'm sure there is a lesson in here somewhere. Now, in our 60s, life is too short for games. I want to be real.

1 comment:

Daphne said...

...and, what would a person in a single vehicle accident need a witness for anyway??? Comfort, maybe, but not a witness. Unless there was someone else involved who might give a different story, there's no need for a witness.