
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Cat Came Back

My DH came home, or should I say, I dragged him home? You see, I was supposed to pick him up from the bus stop a few miles from our house at around 11:30 p.m. I had to go to work the next day, and 11:30 would be late for me, but doable. I got there, it was just pouring cats and dogs, but he wasn't among them. I mean the bus stopped and he didn't get off. The bus started to take off again and I went running after it, waving my arms and shouting - you forgot my husband! Crazy driver never even turned around. So, what to do, what to do? We had discussed the possibility of his plane being late and that I might have to drive down to Bellingham to pick him up, but I sure hoped it wouldn't come to that. One person did get off the bus, I asked him if he had heard that a plane was delayed. He told me he did overhear talk that the bus was emptier than it was supposed to have been. I decided not to go home and check for messages, I would just try to find that airport.

Initially I had driven him down there and watched the signposts carefully so I could retrace my steps if need be. That was from a small border crossing east of us. Right now I was in sight of the truck crossing to the west so I decided to try that route. Surely airports are well signed and I would find it easily, even from here. Luckily I carry my passport in my purse so I didn't have to go home for that.

At midnight borders are pretty easy to cross. The guard asked me the purpose of my late night trip and when I replied that I was going down to rescue my husband from the airport, he gave me directions - turned out wrong, but at least he was friendly. Three wrong turns later, sightseeing in dark rural Washington, I finally found the airport. I parked, went in and found DH quietly reading a book. He seemed totally oblivious to any trouble and quite confident that I would find him and bring him home. How deluded can one man be. It was a total miracle that I found him.

DH was too tired to drive home, so we made two more adventurous wrong turns the other way, but at last we crossed back into our motherland. At quarter to two, I finally laid my head on my pillow and went to sleep. Cozy and warm now that my cat was back.

The alarm rang at six.


Coramie said...

What a night for you!!! I love that you made a note of when the alarm went off. I'll bet you slept reaaallly well the next night!! :-)

Daphne said...

Ha, ha! Yes, yes I did.