
Monday, March 29, 2010

Things Fall Apart

Right now it's my ear. It feels plugged and annoys me something awful! However, no one can tell why. I've been to the doctor, the audiologist and the ear, nose and throat specialist. Still no answers. My own voice reverberates inside my head so badly I hardly want to talk and for me that is a real disaster. Nasal sprays did zilch. My hearing is apparently in the normal range. There are no visible or obvious lumps or tumours anywhere. So, now my last hope, the ENT guy, is sending me back to the audiologist. Maybe he/she will send me back to my doctor and I'll have gone full circle. Every-time I go from one doctor to another there are several months in between. Argggg! On top of it all I'm quite dizzy at times. It's all connected I'm sure. Is there any way they can diagnose troubles in the ear without cutting a person open?

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